Three Ways To Get Rid Of A Car That Doesn't Work


Do you have a car that doesn't work? A car that doesn't work can be a nuisance at best and a community eyesore at worst, but it can be difficult to know what to do with it. After all, it's a few thousand pounds of metal either in your garage or yard. There are a few options for you, however, that can get your vehicle out of your life and potentially even doing some good for someone else.

19 May 2016

How To Choose A Career If You're Not College Bound


Did you try college and decide it just wasn't the place where you wanted to spend hours and hours and even years of your time? Perhaps you graduated from high school with the full knowledge that you would never go to college in the first place. Maybe you wanted to go to college and the money just wasn't there. For whatever reason, you still know that you will need a career that will do two major things for you.

5 April 2016